Joomla hosting
Website traffic and availability often requires a unique Joomla hosting service. Sometimes a Cloud VPS server is required managed with dedicated resources, but for smaller Joomla sites, a fast SSD storage is sufficient. We serve both ends of the scale.
J! Hosting service
- Cpanel, SSD hosting
- Softaculous, PhPMyAdmin
- One click backup and restore
- Customizable PHP versions
- Quick support
- Mailing, subdomaines
Managed hosting service
- MS Azure server management
- Optional Joomla technical support
- SSL connection (optional Wildcard SSL)
- Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365 mailing
Extra options
- Google Mod_pagespeed, NGNIX on request
- With Joomla migration (optional)
- Domain registration, DNS management
- Fixed IP
- BIX central storage
- Joomla CDN services
Custom Joomla hosting
- Optimized operation
- High accessibility (cloud)
- Cloud service management
- Operation of physical server
- Hardware firewall
The term Joomla hosting means that the hosting package is optimized specifically for Joomla CMS. The hosting package contains pre-installed programs and server settings that make the development, running and management of Joomla-based websites and webshops convenient and efficient.
Additional Joomla services:
By Alexandra Hezsai