We provide Joomla website and webshop support based on hourly or regular rate.
Joomla safety, maintenance
We are constantly updating our client's websites, identifying potential vulnerabilities and fixing them.
SEO, UX oriented Joomla support
We are available for all kinds of Joomla questions. Whether it be SEO, PageSpeed, webshop, AMP or extensions, you can always count on us.
Long term solutions
Custom solutions are needed sometimes as needs may vary from business to business. We provide them in a scalable way and always on time.

Professional Joomla support
No matter how large and how complex your Joomla website is. We support and supervise it. We have more than a decade of experience in the field of Joomla development, rebuilding and support.

Flexible package offers
As there are different kinds of Joomla websites and webshops, the structures and requirements can be different too. With our customized offer, we guarantee a smooth and safe operation of your website cost-effectively.
Bug fix and Search Console management
If an error (bug) arises we will detect and fix it or we will offer solutions to repair it. Quick PHP, database, mailing and SEO fixing.
GIT version control, Joomla sandbox
We take high accessible websites and place them into the GIT version control system, and then we carry out the update and development in sandbox environment. It means that there will be no downtime because of us.
Enterprise-Level J! support
We recommend this service to larger webshops, where immediate bug fixies and telephone customer support are essential. Support tasks are recorded in a ticket manager with monthly statements and reporting. Our employee team of 10+ people provides universal IT solutions.

Factors affecting the price of the support package
- Duration of maintenance / technical support (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annual)
- Required support response time (up to 3 hours to 48 hours, depending on demand)
- Complexity of website structure
(number of languages, extensions used: Virtuemart, Easysocial, Jomsocial, k2, sh404SEF etc.)
- Custom extension development
- Shared database (eg. with ERP or CRM systems)
- Server environment
- Is there any core hack? (were Joomla files modified previously?)